Legal notice
Westring 15
91717 Wassertrüdingen, Germany
T: +49 9832 6866-0
Seat of the company: 91717 Wassertrüdingen
Tax number: 203/12460050
VAT ID No: DE131937059
Commercial register number B 1610, Registration court Ansbach
Managing Director
Frank Dommel
Markus Gerold
Responsible person in the sense of the press law as well as service provider according to § 10 Mediendienstestaatsvertrag and § 6 Teledienstegesetz and operator of the website: Frank Dommel.
Texts or parts thereof used on these Internet pages may be protected by trademark law, even if they are not explicitly marked as such. All brand and product names mentioned are trademarks of their respective owners, to whose rights express reference is made. In the event of an alleged infringement of rights, we request informal notification.
Online dispute resolution
The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution platform at that consumers can use to resolve a dispute and where more information on dispute resolution can be found.
Out-of-court dispute resolution
We are neither obligated nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board in the event of a dispute with a consumer.
Concept, design and programming
90610 Winkelhaid, Germany
T: +49 9187 4108-10
F: +49 9187 4108-15