
Future education : Future electronics

You would like to start your apprenticeship or your studies at DOMMEL?

For the training year 2025 we are looking for:
We are also happy to offer internships for an initial introduction to the various professions.

Apply now at:

Your advantages during your training with DOMMEL:

  • Familiar working atmosphere
  • Fresh fruit and other attentions
  • Additional time for the report portfolio
  • Company bike leasing via JobRad
  • Health Days
  • Work clothes
  • Joint excursions (e.g.: trainees’ holiday)
  • Events for employees
  • Exam preparation together with the trainers
  • Trainee projects:
    • Training exchange
    • Girls’Day
    • MINT-Days of the Realschule Wassertrüdingen
    • Many more exciting projects

Ausbildungsbetrieb 2023BDS_Zertifikat_2023